We Sell Gifts That Support Nature Conservation

Buying for Individuals

When you are looking for nature conservation gifts for individuals, here are the most popular chooses people make.

Buying a nature conservation gift for a friend – is one of the best things you can ever do.

The 3 most popular nature conservation gift packages for individuals are currently:

1. The Ambassadors Package [Most popular as a gift to male individuals – but also a great gift to couples]

2. The Citizen Package   [Most populate to all individuals and also as corporate gifts]

3. Flowers Whisperer Package [Very popular among female friend]

You can find a more detailed explanation on the different package AT THIS LINK. 


The online buying process works like this:

  • Add the gift you want to your online cart.
  • Go to checkout.
  • You will be asked for your name – location – email – mobile phone [optional].
  • Pay save – pay online with PayPal or with your credit card.
  • Once payment is done you will automatically be re-directed to a secure download page. Here you will be able to download your invoice and confirmation of your order. A one-page document explaining the delivery process and turn-around times will also be sent to you. 
  • PLUS – on this download page, you will be asked to complete a small online form with the details of the person or persons that you bought the gift for.
  • We only need their name(s) – which would be the name(s) you want their plot(s) to be registered to – and the names in which all the personalized documents in their gift pack should be issued to.
  • If there is any other information that you think we would need – you will be able to give it to us on this form.
  • Whilst we are busy with the delivery & roll-out of your gift pack you will also receive updates on the progress of the shipment.
  • A final date of delivery will be emailed to you as soon as possible. 

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