The succulent plants and flowers of Namaqualand in Southern Africa face enormous conservation challenges. Most scientists agree; illegal mining and illegal harvesting of Namaqualand’s indigenous succulents is a HUGE problem. If we don’t stop it soon, these illegal practices can destroy Namaqualand’s entire ecosystem.
The Friends of Namaqualand [A Non Profit] started this and other projects to raise awareness around the world about the importance of nature conservation in Namaqualand.
Collect all these beautiful cards and share them as wide as you can. In the process, learn more about Namaqualand’s unique succulents and help us spread this conservation message.
This entire card collection is free – the price is ZERO.
This is an DIGITAL DOWNLOAD product.
You can download the first 10 or more cards in this collection immediately.
More cards get released every week – they will be free for you to download.